Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday friends!  Just popping in to say hi.  Hope everyone is having a good week, with lots of time to create :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Color Crayon Challenge

The quilt guild I belong to recently hosted a Color Crayon Challenge.  Each member blindly picked three crayons and was challenged to "make something" using all three colors.  It was amazing to see what everyone came up with - we have such a creative group!

My colors were tan, light blue and violet.

Since I've been loving mixed media lately, I decided to create a fabric mixed media book.  I incorporated a mix of techniques, including machine stitching, hand embroidery, painting and stamping.  I wanted the feeling of the book to be free and loose, so I didn't draw out any of the shapes ahead of time.  I just cut and sewed, leaving the raw edges exposed for added texture.

Front Cover

I created each page, and then "bound" the book together by sandwiching stabilizer between two pages at a time and machine stitching around the perimeter.  Then I bound all of the pages together with a large blanket stitch using embroidery floss.

This was such a fun project, and definitely outside of my comfort zone!  I used free motion quilting to sew most of the fabric pieces in place.  I decided ahead of time that I wanted to look to be rough, and it's amazing how much easier it was to free motion quilt when I did not pressure myself to make it look perfect!  A great way to practice your free motion quilting skills.  I definitely look forward to creating more projects like this :)

Thanks for stopping by!