Monday, October 28, 2013

Mixed Media Monday

Hello Everyone!  Hope your week is off to a great start!

Just checking in to share this week's Mixed Media Monday project.  This week I challenged myself to work with only a few supplies - old book paper, watercolors (the kind from back when I was a kid in grade school, nothing fancy for this gal!), black and gray markers, and a white pen.

The drawings are simple, but I like how they turned out. :)

Fun to see what can be created with limited supplies.  Wait, does that mean I should focus on using what I have on hand instead of always being on the lookout for fun new art supplies?  Let's not get carried away now... :)

Be back again soon...

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mixed Media Monday

Mixed media Monday, on a Tuesday?!?  I say why not! :)  Today's mixed media project is a card I created for a sweet friend.

I used a plain white card stock 5"x 7" card and covered the front and back with vintage book paper.  Then color and texture were added to the background with paint, stamps and bubble wrap.  Scrapbook paper was used for the flower, which was then highlighted with more paint and outlined in black marker.  The white paint highlights added last really made the image come alive. :)  

Be back again soon with some quilting project updates...

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hello Fall

Hello out there!  Hope everyone is having a great weekend.  Thought I'd drop in to share a few pictures of the fall colors in the Pacific Northwest.  The mornings have definitely been cooler here; you can feel the change of seasons in the air...

I was able to get out for a nice long walk yesterday afternoon.  The colors were fantastic and the air was crisp, but not too cold - perfect day for walk!

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mixed Media Monday

Fall is in the air here in the Pacific Northwest!  (Even though I still can't believe it's October already!!!)  The leaves are starting to change colors and the pumpkins are ready for picking.  This weekend the weather was gorgeous here, cool crisp mornings with lots of sun and warmth in the afternoons.

So to celebrate the change in seasons, this week's mixed media project is a fall canvas.  Book pages were used to create the pumpkin image, along with some water color highlights, and lots of paint in the background for added texture.

I applied glue only to the back center of each leaf, so the edges would curl up for added dimension.

Hoping to get some fall decorating done this week. :)  Be back again soon...

Thanks for stopping by!