Sunday, March 22, 2015

Introducing... My Favorite Things

Hello Everyone!  

I have some exciting news to share with you today.  I'm launching my first real-live grown-up quilt pattern!  It's called "My Favorite Things" and you can find it here. :)

This pattern has been a L-O-N-G time coming, just ask my very patient friend Cristina over at Pretty Little Quilts. :)  You see, about a year ago, I asked her if she would pretty-please be interested in testing out my pattern, and I was sooooo beyond excited when she said "Yes"!  She created a beautiful version, after which I should have been ready to publish.  But then, uncertainty set in... thoughts like "What if no one likes this?" and "What if my first pattern is a big flop?"  Then, as I was working through all these negative thoughts, trying to find the courage to just be brave and put myself out there, my offline life got really busy, I mean no-time-to-even-think-about-the-possiblity-of-sewing-one-single-stitch busy...  I guess I was subtly being told that it was just not the right time yet.  And so I waited...

But now, things have settled back down in my life.  I have no more excuses.  I need to just give it a try and move forward. :)  So here I am, putting myself out there.  I sincerely hope you like my little long-time-coming design.  And if not, I hope there will be future designs that will appeal to you.  After all, as I keep reminding myself, I can't get to the next step without taking this first giant leap. :)

In case you're wondering, the center square is hand embroidered, with an applique scalloped frame, and a pieced 9-patch border.  The pattern includes full instructions for completion, including a diagram for the hand quilting.  (The quilting can be done by hand or machine, of course.  I chose to hand quilt mine - you know, to give me more time to procrastinate and avoid moving forward. :)  The pattern is available in PDF format.  You can find it here.

So here's to being brave and trying something new!  Hope this is the first of many fun patterns to come. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It is wonderful! A beautiful pattern. Just bought it. Miss H will stitch it and the Mother will put it together - cause that's just how they roll. ..hee....hee....

    1. Thanks so much!! I hope you enjoy making it :) Heading over to check out your blog now...
